Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 86, June 24, 2010

I forgot to mention in the previous post that I've crossed page 400 and the manuscript as of today is nearing 125,000 words. Don't want to let things go too much farther. Publishers have concerns, legitimately, about the cost of paper and ink. It's incredible how fast things like that can add to your expenses. Also, fat books are harder to read while bathing. That thought makes me wonder: Do you think Kindles, iPads and other e-readers are waterproof? If not, there have probably been a costly number oopsy-splashies around the world.

On to today's report. I wrote six-plus pages. This is akin to making a good kick at the end of a marathon. In today's scenes the protagonist's wife decides it wouldn't be a bad idea to take steps to protect herself. The protagonist puts the word out to someone who might be in touch with the chief antagonist that it's not too late for her to call off the climax of her plan and make a clean getaway. And social cohesion breaks down to the point that people feel they have to resort to arming themselves for their own protection—and, no, I'm not talking about the Tea Party here.

Day 86 of writing my new novel is done.

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